Squat challenge against the physio students to determine the winner of the 3-way tie …with a helping hand guess who won?!
Professional. Effective. Personalized.
Squat challenge against the physio students to determine the winner of the 3-way tie …with a helping hand guess who won?!
Lack of mobility or weak muscles can have a detrimental effect on your swing. Decreased movement or muscle strength will create a physical limitation in your swing. Physical limitations can lead to swing faults. These swing faults may in turn predispose you to injury. For example, an inability to keep the left arm straight on follow through because of back stiffness can lead to over swinging through the arms which can in turn increase the risk of elbow pain in the lead arm.
Medical studies have shown that the key to striking the ball well is swinging through the ball in an efficient sequence. An efficient swing is more important than your style of swing. A swing may look good, but if it is not efficient, you will lose distance, power and accuracy.
In contrast a swing may not look good, but if it sequences well, that is, if you can transfer power efficiently from your body to your club, your ability to strike the ball well will improve. Look at Jim Furyk; his swing may not be the prettiest, but he won at least one tournament each year on the PGA tour between 1998 and 2003, the year he won the U.S. Open.
All good ball strikers have efficient swing mechanics. Efficient swing mechanics start with the ability of your body to move through the necessary range of motion. Your muscles must be strong enough to control these movements. The more efficient your swing, the better you will be able to strike the ball.
If you feel your swing could be more efficient, check to see if your body is the problem. A golf fitness assessment will indicate if there is a lack of movement or strength that could compromise your swing efficiency. Any lack of strength or mobility can be addressed with a program of exercises tailored to your body with the aim of improving your swing.
At Balance Physio we will take you through a series of specifically designed tests to assess your physical ability to perform an efficient golf swing and determine if you have a muscular or mobility issue that may inhibit your swing.
230 - 1818 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V6J 1Y9
Phone: (778) 379-4369
Fax: (778) 379-4370
Monday 2 pm - 7 pm
Tuesday 12:00 pm -7 pm
Wednesday 7:45 am - 1 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm - 7 pm
Friday 7:45 am - 2 pm
Saturdays 8 am - 1 pm